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69, UBI ROAD 1, #06-25, OXLEY BIZHUB

Demand Generation through purpose-driven educational content

More than 500 registrations for the first episode
Nearly 300 registrations per episode

Customer experience has never been as vital to a brand’s success as it is today.

In fact, research shows that 86% of buyers will pay more for a better customer experience. By 2020, customer experience is expected to be the key brand differentiator among consumers leaving price and product behind.

No one knows this better than Nicholas Kontopoulos, Head of Commercial DX Marketing at Magento Commerce, the leading e-commerce platform. With more than 20 years experience in the industry, Nicholas has always been a CX evangelist and passionate about putting customers at the heart of a brand.


Even though omnichannel was a hot topic, Nicholas realised there was substantial FUD around its practical application within organisations. Putting the customers’ needs first as opposed to selling to them required thinking and operating differently. From the C-level down to customer-facing teams, decision-making now needed to focus on the customer. Business silos had their own operational structures, processes, and technology. Breaking down these silos and developing new capabilities around People, Process and Technology to deliver a differentiated, personalised experience seemed highly intimidating.

Having led several digital transformation projects, Nicholas began looking for ways to share his expertise and knowledge.


As the producer of these webinars, Maryel Roman-Price, Field Commerce Marketing Manager, was instrumental in bringing the series to life.

Acting as the enthusiastic bridge between Magento and PaperplaneCo, she ensured each webinar covered multiple viewpoints in an engaging way. Whether it was finding and coordinating speakers and panelists, getting statistics or information about the webinar platform, or providing deeper insights into who our audience is, she made the most out of our content by promoting the series across new and established audiences.


The question we asked ourselves was: how could we help break down a vast and evolving topic like CX transformation into digestible, practical knowledge? How could we instill in the audience the confidence to make the shift?

Piecemeal resources such as research papers, blog posts and webinars on the omnichannel experience are freely available across the web. What we wanted to create was a series of webinars, much like a TV series, that would serve as a complete guide towards developing and implementing an omni-channel CX strategy.

The Magento Accelerator Webinar series, would help companies understand their customers’ needs, and use that knowledge to plan and optimise their buying journey. Retailers would then be able to provide a seamless, personalised experience to their shoppers across channels, keeping them coming back for more.


Nicholas was single-minded about the audience: mid-market enterprises, and later stage SMEs who were looking for an e-commerce platform to further their business growth.

Having a clear idea of the audience was crucial. Without this clarity, the webinar would need to appeal to a broad audience and lose its purpose to deliver meaningful content.

We broke down the webinar series to address each stage of the customer journey to enable the audience to step into the shoes of their customer. Each episode explored what the customer is thinking, doing and feeling, together with strategies on how to tip them into the next stage.


We knew that the knowledge we had to share could have a big impact on how businesses approach e-commerce, but we were also aware that we were offering a new perspective and the information could become quite dense.

Content strategist, Tim Marsh, enjoys challenges like this because he believes complexity can seem simple when delivered in the right order. “Developing each episode starts with a deep dive into the customer psychology, and how that’s being met in the marketplace. At first the bulk and variety of concepts can be almost overwhelming. Then when it begins to crystallise and become clear, I get this rush of enthusiasm. It becomes like a revelation that I can’t wait to share.”

Asked if this is what he likes about his role, he replied, “Having your work really appreciated by people such as Nicholas and Maryel who certainly know their stuff, and then seeing them turn it into so much more when delivered, that’s what keeps me interested.”


Nicholas is a natural thought leader and host for the series because he has a genuine passion for optimising every customer experience. His charisma is born of a desire to really help people. We worked to capture this instinctive ability while providing structure and supporting research for his content. To achieve this, we share many engaging conversations with him, and then work his patterns of speech into the script. This results in a smooth and confident delivery of material that Nicholas relates in his own words.

Using visual storytelling tools, each episode is designed to be engaging and energising with plenty of audience participation. To make the series relatable and interactive, we incorporate fireside chats, polls, and audience Q&A. We also examine useful tools, and use real-world case studies and success stories to translate theory into hands-on practical action.


From the beginning, we wanted to create not just a webinar but a whole learning universe. Apart from the webinar, Magento’s Accelerator Series also offers the audience opportunities to view Demos On Demand, participate in live events, workshops and self-assessments.

The Q&A session is highly interactive, with members from the audience peppering Nicholas and guest speakers with questions and sharing their own experiences. The active participation in polls is evidence of a high-quality, highly-engaged audience.

Almost in its second season, the webinar has been well-received with 500 viewers registering for its first episode and an average of 290 registrations taking place per episode. On average, each episode is attended by about 100 participants.

While the audience’s attendance speaks for itself, every new lead generated through the series is an opportunity for Magento to continue the conversation and nurture prospects on their customer journey.


Chrissy Lim

Chrissy Lim — Creative Director

“I live for the flow. Time stands still and every stroke, every pixel nudge is inspired by a supernatural genius.”

In a world riddled with complexity, Chrissy Lim has the background and imagination to make sense of it all, traversing the realms of technology, business, and creativity. In a world of flux, she connects the dots. She has steered two of her start-ups into multi-million dollar successes, and directed the global ad accounts for brands like Johnson & Johnson, Coca-Cola and Mercedes-Benz.

Chrissy founded Paperplane to bring together the promise of creativity and technology to celebrate stories in an age of new media. The interplay of disciplines is where Chrissy thrives, and where the classic paper plane gains its charm: a humble sheet of paper transformed through engineering and imagination. Photographer, scuba diver, inveterate foodie, Chrissy carries it all off with child-like enthusiasm.

Tim Marsh

Tim Marsh — Content Strategist and Notioneer

“The first step to solving a problem is being able to articulate it. My experience has taught me how to identify the fundamental problem, understand its underlying relationships and express it with clarity.”

Solving problems is Tim’s superpower, honed over more than 15 years as a quality systems consultant. Tim is exceptionally skilled at reducing a problem to its bare bones, using lateral thinking to unearth insights and propose improvements. As a content strategist, his ability to explore issues from multiple perspectives has proved invaluable in helping PaperplaneCo’s clients unravel complex problems, and identifying clear-cut opportunities for improvement and growth.

Grounded by his love for writing code, tinkering with databases, and setting up frameworks, Tim is a self-declared Notioneer who has taken on the challenge of refining PaperplaneCo’s Notion database. When he isn’t busy delving into the depths of Notion, Tim enjoys watching mathematics videos on Khan Academy and coding on Python.

Monna Munoz

Monna Munoz — General Manager

“Nothing is complicated. Break it down, prioritize, find efficiencies. When everything runs smoothly, there’s space for creativity and productivity.”

It takes courage to think differently, and Monna knows it. At age 5, this Richard Branson fan built a child-sized rocket from grocery cartons and duct tape. At 19, she dropped a promising nursing career to pursue her love of tech at an internet marketing firm—one she would soon come to lead. In 2016, Mona launched her own web development agency. With her “Just do it” mantra, Monna’s approach to work is singularly strategic and systematic.

Now General Manager at PaperplaneCo, Monna goes out of her way to keep all stakeholders happy, juggling multiple projects and teams with enviable ease. Mom to a teenager and two snuggly cats, Monna enjoys long walks and keeping up with Elon Musk’s Mars project. Warning: With her unflaggingly upbeat attitude and ace organizational skills, Monna’s productive vibe can be contagious.

Hanh Lam

Hanh Lam — Finance Operations Assistant

“I’m a fast learner. My willingness to learn has exposed me to different sides and perspectives of things. It helps me approach my work in a more holistic way.”

No timesheet, no money! As one of the backbones of PaperplaneCo’s finance operations, Hanh is known for her attention to detail and her penchant for numbers. Apart from her meticulous nature, Hanh is a warm, lively individual who loves working with people. Although she initially studied computer science in university, she soon realised that working in front of computers would not be the right fit for her, and hence chose to move into nonprofit work, which she found more aligned with her ideals of experiencing life and helping people.

Hahn’s extensive background working at grassroots and nonprofit organisations in Vietnam and India has equipped her with strong operations and people skills. Her years of unique experiences across different countries, cultures, and sectors have honed both her critical thinking and detail-oriented nature and have taught her the core life principle: Treat others the way you want to be treated.

When Hanh isn’t busy managing operations and finance, she enjoys indulging in photography, documenting snippets of her day-to-day life through her snapshots. To make the most of the luxurious beaches of Australia, she hopes to pick up swimming and scuba diving in the near future.

Camille Cruz

Camille Cruz — Camille Cruz

Chrissy Lim

Chrissy Lim — Creative Director

“I live for the flow. Time stands still and every stroke, every pixel nudge is inspired by a supernatural genius.”

In a world riddled with complexity, Chrissy Lim has the background and imagination to make sense of it all, traversing the realms of technology, business, and creativity. In a world of flux, she connects the dots. She has steered two of her start-ups into multi-million dollar successes, and directed the global ad accounts for brands like Johnson & Johnson, Coca-Cola and Mercedes-Benz.

Chrissy founded Paperplane to bring together the promise of creativity and technology to celebrate stories in an age of new media. The interplay of disciplines is where Chrissy thrives, and where the classic paper plane gains its charm: a humble sheet of paper transformed through engineering and imagination. Photographer, scuba diver, inveterate foodie, Chrissy carries it all off with child-like enthusiasm.

Tim Marsh

Tim Marsh — Content Strategist and Notioneer

“The first step to solving a problem is being able to articulate it. My experience has taught me how to identify the fundamental problem, understand its underlying relationships and express it with clarity.”

Solving problems is Tim’s superpower, honed over more than 15 years as a quality systems consultant. Tim is exceptionally skilled at reducing a problem to its bare bones, using lateral thinking to unearth insights and propose improvements. As a content strategist, his ability to explore issues from multiple perspectives has proved invaluable in helping PaperplaneCo’s clients unravel complex problems, and identifying clear-cut opportunities for improvement and growth.

Grounded by his love for writing code, tinkering with databases, and setting up frameworks, Tim is a self-declared Notioneer who has taken on the challenge of refining PaperplaneCo’s Notion database. When he isn’t busy delving into the depths of Notion, Tim enjoys watching mathematics videos on Khan Academy and coding on Python.

Monna Munoz

Monna Munoz — General Manager

“Nothing is complicated. Break it down, prioritize, find efficiencies. When everything runs smoothly, there’s space for creativity and productivity.”

It takes courage to think differently, and Monna knows it. At age 5, this Richard Branson fan built a child-sized rocket from grocery cartons and duct tape. At 19, she dropped a promising nursing career to pursue her love of tech at an internet marketing firm—one she would soon come to lead. In 2016, Mona launched her own web development agency. With her “Just do it” mantra, Monna’s approach to work is singularly strategic and systematic.

Now General Manager at PaperplaneCo, Monna goes out of her way to keep all stakeholders happy, juggling multiple projects and teams with enviable ease. Mom to a teenager and two snuggly cats, Monna enjoys long walks and keeping up with Elon Musk’s Mars project. Warning: With her unflaggingly upbeat attitude and ace organizational skills, Monna’s productive vibe can be contagious.

Hanh Lam

Hanh Lam — Finance Operations Assistant

“I’m a fast learner. My willingness to learn has exposed me to different sides and perspectives of things. It helps me approach my work in a more holistic way.”

No timesheet, no money! As one of the backbones of PaperplaneCo’s finance operations, Hanh is known for her attention to detail and her penchant for numbers. Apart from her meticulous nature, Hanh is a warm, lively individual who loves working with people. Although she initially studied computer science in university, she soon realised that working in front of computers would not be the right fit for her, and hence chose to move into nonprofit work, which she found more aligned with her ideals of experiencing life and helping people.

Hahn’s extensive background working at grassroots and nonprofit organisations in Vietnam and India has equipped her with strong operations and people skills. Her years of unique experiences across different countries, cultures, and sectors have honed both her critical thinking and detail-oriented nature and have taught her the core life principle: Treat others the way you want to be treated.

When Hanh isn’t busy managing operations and finance, she enjoys indulging in photography, documenting snippets of her day-to-day life through her snapshots. To make the most of the luxurious beaches of Australia, she hopes to pick up swimming and scuba diving in the near future.

Camille Cruz

Camille Cruz — Camille Cruz

PaperplaneCo surely does take your ideas to the next level. From a simple/basic thought, it grows into a world-class program that is cohesive, has a story to tell, and most importantly – works! We’ve been working with the PaperplaneCo team for over a year now on our webinar program in APAC. This has been a massive a success in terms of engaging our audience and generating demand for Magento Commerce. I have even presented this webinar program at ON24’s conference in Sydney and the audience was very impressed not only with our content but also our creative. In this competitive industry, you need to stand out and be remembered and PaperplaneCo helped us do just that.

APAC DX Commercial Marketing Manager, Adobe

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