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Conveying the Importance of Preparedness Planning

More than 3000 impressions created on government officials from World Bank’s member countries, observers, civil society members and members of the press. 


Disasters and their aftermath –famines, pandemics, conflict, and migration– push 26 million people globally into poverty each year.

The frequency and severity of disasters will only be exacerbated by climate change.

Over the past few years, the World Bank has helped several vulnerable countries develop strategies to manage their financial risks. But several countries failed to implement these strategies because of lack of financing and technical know-how. That’s where the World Bank’s Global Risk Financing Facility (GRiF) comes in.

Through grants sourced from donor countries, GRiF helps provide vulnerable countries with financial assistance and technical expertise. Using these resources, countries can invest in disaster risk financing solutions and scale up their financial preparedness systems.

When disasters strike, recipient countries are quickly able to access funds for response, recovery and reconstruction.

GRiF was first revealed in October, 2018 at the World Bank and IMF’s Annual Meetings in Bali.  With the World Bank and IMF’s Spring Meetings coming up, the GRiF team wanted to ramp up their marketing efforts to underscore the critical need for GRiF. Attended by nearly 2,800 government officials, civil society members, observers, and hundreds of members of the press, the 2019 Spring Meetings of the World Bank and IMF seemed like the ideal venue for the official launch of GRiF.

Benedikt Signer, Senior Financial Specialist at The World Bank, had been impressed with our work on another earlier World Bank project, SEADRIF. When Benedikt contacted us to design GRiF’s launch campaign, we set up a Discovery workshop with the GRiF team to uncover the key objectives of the launch.

Their key goal was highlighting the benefits of working with GRiF. It was critical that the campaign inspire trust and urge the audience to respond. This was a challenge because GRiF was a new, complex initiative with no parallels. Also, it wasn’t just potential recipient countries that the GRiF team wanted to reach out to. The team also wanted the campaign to attract more donors and help get its own internal partners onboard.


We chose to launch the campaign in two formats: an introductory video to set the stage and a brochure that would serve as a primer on GRiF. Through a storytelling, human-focused approach, the video would show the audience why countries needed GRiF. To create a deeper impact, we chose to focus the messaging squarely on the recipient countries. We reasoned that donor countries and the World Bank’s internal partners could be won over as long as the benefits to recipient countries were apparent.

To build confidence, GRiF needed to be easily understood. We designed the brochure and video around a comprehensive infographic that would explain the GRiF process and participants at a glance. The brochure needed to provide answers to any and all of the questions that sprung up in the minds of our target audience while watching the video. We structured the contents of the brochure using the 5W1H (Who-What-Why-Where-When-How) approach to improve readability and comprehension. 

Through collaborations with the GRiF team and our own research, we designed and sourced illustrations and examples to clarify and support complex technical information. In both formats, we used hard-hitting visuals, statistics and use cases to make a compelling case for GRiF.

To further bolster trust in GRiF’s mission, we dedicated a page of the brochure to GRiF’s first approved grant and funding success. The news had come in while we were still working on the campaign: the Mozambique government’s foresighted decision to partner with GRiF months earlier had paid immediate dividends. In the wake of catastrophic tropical cyclone Idai, the government was able to secure $8 million in early funding from GRiF. 


Chrissy Lim

Chrissy Lim — Creative Director

“I live for the flow. Time stands still and every stroke, every pixel nudge is inspired by a supernatural genius.”

In a world riddled with complexity, Chrissy Lim has the background and imagination to make sense of it all, traversing the realms of technology, business, and creativity. In a world of flux, she connects the dots. She has steered two of her start-ups into multi-million dollar successes, and directed the global ad accounts for brands like Johnson & Johnson, Coca-Cola and Mercedes-Benz.

Chrissy founded Paperplane to bring together the promise of creativity and technology to celebrate stories in an age of new media. The interplay of disciplines is where Chrissy thrives, and where the classic paper plane gains its charm: a humble sheet of paper transformed through engineering and imagination. Photographer, scuba diver, inveterate foodie, Chrissy carries it all off with child-like enthusiasm.

Veronika Janeckova

Veronika Janeckova — Product Manager

“Surfing and running a business have a lot in common. They keep you on your toes, humble you to the ground and make sure that every minute is an adventure.”

Nomad. Fearless surfer. Compassionate yogi. Veronika thrives in the new and the unknown for the perspectives they unlock within her. With a deep interest in people, Veronika has an innate understanding of human-centered design. She and her team won the prestigious Webby award for Skype in the Classroom, a pioneering product campaign that ran at Skype and later Microsoft.

At PaperplaneCo, Veronika dons the dual hats of project manager and strategist, leading projects and bringing distributed teams closer. Using Agile methodology and Design Thinking, Veronika runs our Customer Journey and Discovery Workshops. With her fun, warm, and down-to-earth demeanour, Veronika is a great listener, but even better at asking the questions that matter.

Monna Munoz

Monna Munoz — General Manager

“Nothing is complicated. Break it down, prioritize, find efficiencies. When everything runs smoothly, there’s space for creativity and productivity.”

It takes courage to think differently, and Monna knows it. At age 5, this Richard Branson fan built a child-sized rocket from grocery cartons and duct tape. At 19, she dropped a promising nursing career to pursue her love of tech at an internet marketing firm—one she would soon come to lead. In 2016, Mona launched her own web development agency. With her “Just do it” mantra, Monna’s approach to work is singularly strategic and systematic.

Now General Manager at PaperplaneCo, Monna goes out of her way to keep all stakeholders happy, juggling multiple projects and teams with enviable ease. Mom to a teenager and two snuggly cats, Monna enjoys long walks and keeping up with Elon Musk’s Mars project. Warning: With her unflaggingly upbeat attitude and ace organizational skills, Monna’s productive vibe can be contagious.

Simeen Mirza

Simeen Mirza — Copywriter

“It’s all about that moment when a reader’s eyes light up.”

Simeen was 7 when her father gifted her a diary replete with lock and tiny key. A writer (and future stationery addict) was born. Writing would continue to pursue her at every stage of life. While earning her MBA in Finance and Marketing, she wrote press releases and launched the campus blog. As a Business Valuation Analyst at Deloitte, she became the go-to person for creating industry analyses, research papers and knowledge bases.

When motherhood arrived, Simeen took a break from corporate life, and writing finally caught up with her. It has since blossomed into a full-time occupation and she has written for a variety of clients, from a US-based mutual fund to foodpanda and the World Bank. Her favourite part of the process is immersing herself in new worlds and emerging with fresh insights. Simeen likes to spend weekends eating out with family and escaping into the world of diaspora fiction.

Chrissy Lim

Chrissy Lim — Creative Director

“I live for the flow. Time stands still and every stroke, every pixel nudge is inspired by a supernatural genius.”

In a world riddled with complexity, Chrissy Lim has the background and imagination to make sense of it all, traversing the realms of technology, business, and creativity. In a world of flux, she connects the dots. She has steered two of her start-ups into multi-million dollar successes, and directed the global ad accounts for brands like Johnson & Johnson, Coca-Cola and Mercedes-Benz.

Chrissy founded Paperplane to bring together the promise of creativity and technology to celebrate stories in an age of new media. The interplay of disciplines is where Chrissy thrives, and where the classic paper plane gains its charm: a humble sheet of paper transformed through engineering and imagination. Photographer, scuba diver, inveterate foodie, Chrissy carries it all off with child-like enthusiasm.

Veronika Janeckova

Veronika Janeckova — Product Manager

“Surfing and running a business have a lot in common. They keep you on your toes, humble you to the ground and make sure that every minute is an adventure.”

Nomad. Fearless surfer. Compassionate yogi. Veronika thrives in the new and the unknown for the perspectives they unlock within her. With a deep interest in people, Veronika has an innate understanding of human-centered design. She and her team won the prestigious Webby award for Skype in the Classroom, a pioneering product campaign that ran at Skype and later Microsoft.

At PaperplaneCo, Veronika dons the dual hats of project manager and strategist, leading projects and bringing distributed teams closer. Using Agile methodology and Design Thinking, Veronika runs our Customer Journey and Discovery Workshops. With her fun, warm, and down-to-earth demeanour, Veronika is a great listener, but even better at asking the questions that matter.

Monna Munoz

Monna Munoz — General Manager

“Nothing is complicated. Break it down, prioritize, find efficiencies. When everything runs smoothly, there’s space for creativity and productivity.”

It takes courage to think differently, and Monna knows it. At age 5, this Richard Branson fan built a child-sized rocket from grocery cartons and duct tape. At 19, she dropped a promising nursing career to pursue her love of tech at an internet marketing firm—one she would soon come to lead. In 2016, Mona launched her own web development agency. With her “Just do it” mantra, Monna’s approach to work is singularly strategic and systematic.

Now General Manager at PaperplaneCo, Monna goes out of her way to keep all stakeholders happy, juggling multiple projects and teams with enviable ease. Mom to a teenager and two snuggly cats, Monna enjoys long walks and keeping up with Elon Musk’s Mars project. Warning: With her unflaggingly upbeat attitude and ace organizational skills, Monna’s productive vibe can be contagious.

Simeen Mirza

Simeen Mirza — Copywriter

“It’s all about that moment when a reader’s eyes light up.”

Simeen was 7 when her father gifted her a diary replete with lock and tiny key. A writer (and future stationery addict) was born. Writing would continue to pursue her at every stage of life. While earning her MBA in Finance and Marketing, she wrote press releases and launched the campus blog. As a Business Valuation Analyst at Deloitte, she became the go-to person for creating industry analyses, research papers and knowledge bases.

When motherhood arrived, Simeen took a break from corporate life, and writing finally caught up with her. It has since blossomed into a full-time occupation and she has written for a variety of clients, from a US-based mutual fund to foodpanda and the World Bank. Her favourite part of the process is immersing herself in new worlds and emerging with fresh insights. Simeen likes to spend weekends eating out with family and escaping into the world of diaspora fiction.

Thank you for infusing your creativity into our work with such ease while managing shifting timelines. Everyone loved the outputs – it created a splash when we launched the products.

The World Bank

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